Aveces el cielo de Huánuco está muy despejado por lo que se pueden ver claramente estrellas fugaces y de vez en cuando ovnis.

Avistamiento de Ovnis en Huánuco del 16 de febrero del 2009, estuvieron por un par de horas en el cielo de esta ciudad luego uno se alejo hacia el nor-este y los otros dos quedaron por un rato mas para desaparecer de un momento a otro. En un momento del video formaron un triangulo perfecto estos tres objetos no identificados...Luego aparece un cuarto ovni que luego se va.
Feb 16 2009 Excellent UFO Ovnis Filmed in Huánuco Perú NOT Planets, Planes or Stars??? These things sit there an hour, move around into formations, don't make a sound, just hovering, floating. Not chinese lanterns or flares. Not helicopters I would think to just sit there so long, and they would make a sound wouldn't they? This is just more video of lights I know, but they persisted so long, and moved intellgently, I think this is very odd.
The governments need to start explaining what they are doing and quit denying all this. This is not right that we spend all this tax money for people to build shit to protect us and then they use it to build secret shit and fly it around and tell us we are crazy when we record it. It's time we got some explanations about what is being flown around over our heads in our airspace don't you think? This is ridiculous!!
Video of a trio of lights lining up in a triangular formation.
UFO sighting in Huánuco, were a couple of hours in the sky of this city after a exiting the north-east and the other two stayed for a while more to disappear at any moment. At one point the video formed a perfect triangle of these three unidentified objects.

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